主要责任 - 引导家长和学生完成整个招生过程,让整个体验变得积极、直接且引人入胜。 - 在整个家长体验之旅中了解每个家庭的需求和兴趣。 - 通过保持对下一步“收尾”的关注来推动生源每个阶段的转化。 - 当前通过 iSAMs 和CRM 系统管理数据捕获和潜在客户管理。 - 在学校实施 NAE 品牌和宣传材料。 - 支持区域和中央数字营销团队优化网站的开发,并在家长在线研究之旅的每个阶段展示学校的良好面貌。 - 制定全年市场推广且可持续的策略,以激励、吸引和告知所有相关人员,包括家长、学生、教职员工和校友。 - 通过社交媒体建立学校在线社区,推动粉丝和参与者(分享和评论)。 - 与校长合作,领导学校的招生和营销工作。 - 领导整个市场招生部门。 岗位要求: - 本科及以上学历 - 双语工作者 - 在相关营销或相关部门工作至少 5 年 - 良好的跨文化、人际交往和沟通技巧,以及与不同民族和文化互动的亲和力 - 管理团队的经验 - 良好的英语书面和口头沟通能力 - 出色的时间管理技能和灵活处理多任务的能力 - 富有创意和技术思维能力 - 上进心强,灵活适应手头的不同任务 - 积极主动并能够引导下属按时完成工作指标,较强的抗压能力 - 对教育的感兴趣且有亲和力 Key Responsibilities - Guide parents and students through the admissions process, making the experience positive, straightforward and engaging throughout. - Build an understanding of each family’s needs and interests throughout the Parent Experience Journey. - Drive conversion at each stage of the pipeline by maintaining a focus on ‘closing’ towards the next step. - Manage data capture and lead management through iSAMs currently and our CRM system when this launches. - Implement NAE brand and campaign materials in the school. - Support the Regional and Central Digital Marketing team to optimize the development of the website and demonstrate leadership for the school at every stage of the parent online research journey. - Develop a content strategy for the school and an ongoing pipeline of content that can be used year-round to inspire, engage and inform all relevant internal external stakeholders including parents, students, staff and alumni. - Build the school online community through social media, driving both followers and engagement(share and comments). - Working with Principal, lead the admissions and marketing for the school. The ideal that candidate will be/have: - Bachelor’s Degree and above - Bilingual English / Mandarin speaker - Minimum 5 years working in a related marketing or delivery sector - Good cross-cultural, interpersonal

