Main duties: 1. The TOK teacher will have the responsibility for the planning and teaching of the subject to the designated class, the content of each lesson being determined by School curriculum. The teacher will ensure that the subject is delivered in a way that provides coverage, progression.2. TOK老师将主要负责相关教学班级的课程教学实施及课程设计,需要积极鼓励学生,重视学生的学习过程。3. The teacher will also be required to carry out other such duties as direct from time to time. He/she is expected to display the highest standards of professionalism in his/her teaching and in his/her relationships with colleagues and parents.4. 需要承担校方要求的其他工作职责,具有良好家校沟通能力、与同事通力合作能力和沟通能力。5. To track and assess regularly the pupil’s work by means of formative and summative assessments.6. 定期对学生的学习状况进行追踪和评估,包括形成性评估和总结性评估。Qualifications:1. Qualified teacher in the People’s Republic of China and a relevant international jurisdiction2. 具有中华人民共和国教师资格或者其他国家相应的教师资格证3. 3-6YR PQE Experience4. 3-6年取得资格证明后的工作经验Experience / Knowledge:1. Be familiar with the TOK new outline module 2021.对2021年TOK新课纲非常了解2. More than three years of TOK teaching experience.三年以上TOK教学经历3. Be good at using online resources and independently design TOK teaching and Learning materials.非常熟悉在线资料的收集和应用,可自主设计完成TOK教学材料4. Understand IB teaching method, IB teacher certificate is preferred.了解IB教学方法,优先考虑IB教师培训证书5. Proficient in Chinese and English, able to teach in English.熟练掌握中英文,并且可用英文教学