1. 本科及以上学历,汉语言文学、对外汉语或教育学相关专业(有海外学习经历者优先)
2. 热爱教学事业,流利的英文沟通能力,跨文化团队协作能力强
3. 两年以上同类国际学校教学经验
4. 具有IBPYP教学经验或接受过IBO官方培训及持证者优先
5. 持有教师资格证
1. 为中文为第二语言的国际小学生进行中文科目的日常授课与作业批改
2. 根据不同基础提供多种学习方案与计划
3. 建立并且完善学生学习与成长档案,做好家校共育工作
4. 融合中西文化精髓,在师生间组织多种中文交流与文化传播活动
1. University graduate or above in Teaching Chinese as a Second Language,
Chinese Language, Pedagogy and so forth (overseas study experience preferred)
2. Teaching license or certification for primary school years
3. At least 2 years of full time Chinese teaching experience (teaching experience in a
similar type of international school is an advantage)
4. Demonstrated English proficiency with capability of communicating with expatriate teachers
5. Demonstrated skill at differentiating within the classroom for students of mixed abilities
Overall Responsibilities
1.Encourage high standards in all aspects of school life, particularly in student progress
2. Contribute to the effective and efficient running of the school
3. Promote a school culture which is positive, purposeful and professional
4. Support and motivate students, teachers and other School employees
5. Encourage consultation, review and improvement
Teaching and Learning
1. Plan and prepare well-structured, clearly presented lessons appropriate
to the abilities of all students and the syllabus being taught
2. Improve, update and maintain materials and resources as needed
3. Generate enthusiasm for the subject being taught and inspire all students
to work to their potential
4. Assess student's work accurately and regularly, giving thoughtful and
meaningful feedback
5. Set home learning which is appropriate to the student's ability and their wider
workload, following School policy
6. Complete written assessments and reports according to guidelines and
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