HOPE身体障碍人士招聘项目简介:惠普一直致力于倡导多元文化,我们认可、尊重多元化人才。惠普同时特别支持和积极响应国家倡导企业和社会帮助安排有身体障碍的公民就业、生活和教育的相关保障政策, 尽可能为社会多元化人才提供培训和平等的就业机会。惠普特别设计了HOPE障碍人士招聘项目, 旨在为社会身体障碍人士提供培训和工作实践的机会, 以帮助支持身体障碍人士更好的职业发展。目前已有超过20位HOPE身体障碍人士服务于惠普的各个职能部门。HOPE项目提供给您:1. 工作实践机会:惠普提供和安排以下工作实践机会,以帮助提升职业能力:文档编辑(PPT/Word/Excel)/文件整理/数据分析/数据系统录入/翻译/页面设计/行政等辅助性工作2. 培训机会: 惠普提供和安排职业技能提升的培训课程:新员工入职培训/高效倾听与沟通/团队协作等职业技能培训Job DescriptionHope-财务专员Description -Responsibilities: Responsible for performing general administrative support tasks involved in an organization.Responsibilities include assisting supervisory and non- supervisory employees with various administrative support tasks.These tasks may include, but are not limited to, general filing and records maintenance, compiling data for reports, assisting with administrative tasks associated with the cost center(s) budget(s), scheduling appointments and meetings, calendar maintenance for one or more employees, answering/screening telephone calls, preparing expense reports, preparing/editing presentations, making travel arrangements, distributing mail, greeting/escorting visitors, assisting new employees, duplicating, and other established general administrative tasks.Coordinates work within the work unit and with other work units/departments, both internal and possibly external to the company.May assist in supporting the general administrative work for one or more professional employees other than the direct supervisor.The work performed by these employees is predominately general administrative in nature, as opposed to specific administrative tasks that are directly related to a specialty functions e.g., marketing, engineering, human resources, etc.Education and Experience Required: High school education or equivalent; some college level education preferred.Typically requires a minimum of 5 years general administrative experience, or equivalent combination of experience and college level education.Type of Experience Needed: Senior/advanced general administrative skills/ knowledge of most general administrative issues.Usually works with multiple issues/projects and has the experience/ability to support multiple employees' general administrative needs.Regarded as the key general administrative employee of the work unit/department and is a primary general administrative employee in the department/division.Specific advanced level of software skills as required by the work unit/department.
会计 面议1年以上 大专杭州讯隆贸易有限公司
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阿里国际数字商业集团-资深财务专员(国内总账)-杭州 10000-20000元应届毕业生 本科阿里巴巴(中国)有限公司
阿里国际数字商业集团-资深财务专员(财务核算解决方案)-杭州 10000-20000元应届毕业生 本科阿里巴巴(中国)有限公司
高级bu财务专员-消电自营 20000-40000元应届毕业生 本科阿里巴巴(中国)有限公司
闲鱼-财务专员-杭州 10000-20000元应届毕业生 本科阿里巴巴(中国)有限公司